Friday, May 22, 2020

Ebola Virus A Virus - 1009 Words

Britney Moncada Biology 101, MWF 10am Ebola Paper Ebola Virus Over the past couple years, discussion regarding the Ebola virus has gone viral and ignited chaos both domestically and abroad. Ebola is a virus that was discovered back in 1976, but has not failed to grab people’s attention in the recent years (1). It is a very fatal virus that targets the liver and blood vessel lining (10). When Ebola goes untreated it can lead to fatalities or worse off, deaths. There are 5 virus species of Ebola that are linked with infecting not only humans, but also animals (2). In fact, many animals are suspected of being the primary source of the Ebola Virus. African chimps, monkeys and other primates have been thought to transmit the virus to humans (2). It is very easy for scientists who are conducting experiments on infected animals to contract the virus themselves (2). A person could also eat a contaminated animal and not even be aware of the infection the animal contains. Considering that the Ebola virus originated from Africa, Africa still remains the country with the highest number of infected citizens (2). The spread of Ebola has become particularly problematic in western Africa. The outbreak has killed over 40,000 people in Liberia, over 3,500 in Sierra, and over 2,536 in Guinea. Luckily, casual contact with an infected person is not sufficient enough to contaminate someone. It is through direct contact with body fluids such as theShow MoreRelatedEbola Virus ( Virus )1231 Words   |  5 PagesEbola was named for a small river near Maridi, Sudan. Since Ebola first appeared in 1967 there have been over 100 cases of Ebola with more than 50% of the patients dying within days of their acute symptoms. Ebola is classified as a biosafety level four agent because of its extreme pathogenicity and the lack of a vaccine or antiviral drug. Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus); Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); Taà ¯ Forest virus (Taà ¯ Forest ebolavirus, formerly C à ´te d’Ivoire ebolavirus); and Bundibugyo virusRead MoreThe Ebola Virus1631 Words   |  7 PagesThe Ebola Virus A virus is an ultramicroscopic infectious organism that, having no independent metabolic activity, can replicate only within a cell of another host organism. A virus consists of a core of nucleic acid, either RNA or DNA, surrounded by a coating of antigenic protein and sometimes a lipid layer surrounds it as well. The virus provides the genetic code for replication, and the host cell provides the necessary energy and raw materials. There are more than 200 viruses thatRead MoreEbola Virus1830 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Ebola Virus Ebola virus (EBOV) is considered to be one of the most belligerent contagious agents and has an ability to cause highly fatal hemorrhagic fever syndrome that results in human and non-human primate’s death (NHPs) during the days of exposure. The first notification of the virus was mentioned in the Ebola River valley in Zaire for the time of an outburst in 1976. Moreover, the outbursts have appeared in Africa over the following 27 years, with death rates that differ from 50 to 90%.Read MoreEbola Virus Is A Serious Virus Disease1513 Words   |  7 PagesEbola Virus is a serious transmitted disease by both humans and animals. The disease first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the virus received its name. Ebola Virus is a member of the negative stranded RNA viruses known as filoviruses. There are currently, five different strains of the Ebola Virus including, Zaire (EBOV), Sudan (SUDV), BundibuguyoRead MoreEbola Outbreak Of Ebola Virus1343 Words   |  6 PagesEnglish 1301 November 23, 2014 Ebola Discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River, Ebola’s first two outbreaks in Sudan and Zaire killed the majority, over half, of the people infected with the disease. Although the natural host reservoir of Ebola has yet to be found, the virus is believed to be animal-borne. A person gets Ebola from a wild animal and then is spread throughout the human population through person-to-person transmission. Healthcare workers providing aide for Ebola victims know that they haveRead MoreEbola Outbreak Of Ebola Virus988 Words   |  4 Pages Ebola is a virus that was discovered in 1976, but has not failed to grab people’s attention because of recent outbreaks (1). It is often a fatal viral infection that targets the liver and blood vessel lining (10). When Ebola goes untreated it can lead to fatalities. There are 5 viral species of Ebola that are linked with infecting not only humans, but also animals (2). Many animals, such as African chimps, monkeys and other primates, are suspected of being the primary source of the Ebola virusRead MoreThe Ebola Virus Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pages In the year 1976, Ebola climbed out of its unknown hiding place, and caused the death of 340 people. Fear gripped the victims faces, and uncertainty tortured their minds. The people of Zaire waited outside clinics, churches and in their homes for a treatment of the horrible disease, but there was no cure. They were forced to watch people die, hoping that they would be saved from the violent death of the Ebola virus. From the year of 1976 to the present date of 1996, researchers have searched forRead MoreTracking the Ebola Virus733 Words   |  3 Pages These past years I spent my time tracking the virus of Ebola as well as its various strains all over the world. At first I didn’t know of the disease, only of the mysterious deaths. I had heard a rumor of a man by the name of Monet who had become mysteriously sick with a disease that none have seen. This information led me to Nairobi, Kenya where the man was supposed to be. When I arrived at Nairobi Hospital I didn’t encounter the man of my search. I questioned a nurse, who asked not to be namedRead MoreThe Ebola Virus Essay1230 Words   |  5 PagesThe Ebola Virus is an extremely deadly virus found in Africa. There have been multiple outbreaks across Africa and one in the United States. The Ebola virus basically causes uncontrollable bleeding externally and internally. Then your organs become liquefied. This usually results in death(www.encyc The following report contains info on the characteristics and history of the Ebola Virus. After being infected with the Ebola virus it takes 2-21 days to take effect. It depends if youRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Ebola Virus1206 Words   |  5 Pagesof the dark, the panic caused by the Ebola virus is largely due to misunderstanding and is often blown out of proportion. The Ebola virus is discussed in the media because it generates hysteria, even though it is nowhere near as threatening as it is often claimed to be. Do not make the assumption that the virus itself is not lethal, as indeed it is one of the deadlier pathogens in the world; however, a variety of factors contribute to making the Ebola virus a less than perfect killer; in order to

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